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  • balgoisa1279

weekend alter egos in gouache and ink

Saturday night I had way too many things to do, and typical me. I ended up not doing my 6 page essay or studying for math questions that I know damn well, will hunt my midterm grades. instead I decided to paint in gouache. I used myself as reference for both drawings and I wanted them to have an attitude, some sense of rebellion in their expressions. just realized how much confidence, is visible in the way I draw. after I lost the self guilt trip given on my own work , whatever conversation that was in my head prevented me from experiment and just go. every time I make something I say to myself that's ok if it is not perfect. I just go with what feels right, and accident along the way gives more character. right now I'm looking forward the new phase or my practice. I have a couple of ideas on how to convey messages I wanna give out. it's' my duty as an artist. my opinion is valid; and if it isn't , I will make it for me, at least.

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