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  • balgoisa1279

how to be an artist and reflections on vulnerability

The article constructed and deconstructed certain ideas I had for myself as an artist. I think there’s something so profound that only comes with honest vulnerability. It reminded me of one of my favorite quote:

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”

― Brene Brown

Tell your own story and you’ll be interested. I guess because it is my story I don't find it amusing, but there's so much truth to this statement.the many areas or myself that i have failed to look into closer, i think those might be the areas where my work can flourish.

I learned the other day about the growth mentality vs the fixed mentality. I was amazed to think of myself as fixed into certain thought like, i know i'm good at art but i would never one of the greatest, my thoughts of knowing there would be a better artist everywhere and that there’s only so much i can do with the things i have, those thought kept me fixed into this position of being mentally and artistically stuck. It’s weird how words have the power to change thoughts. The growth mentality is aware of challenges and it's eager to take them because the growth implies work and subsequently becoming better. Growth and vulnerability come hand in hand. In less than a week I realized how much I was suffocating myself in doing what I already know how to do well. The article gave me so much confidence in myself.

Art is not about mastering* That was an amazing thing that I never thought about, studying old masters. I had a notion that I couldn't get any better unless I was perfect at the classical stuff. I always question myself to do something out of the lines I was given to be kept.

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